Gexateq — компания-разработчик с богатым опытом в разработке ПО на заказ в различных отраслях. Мы предоставляем клиентам полный спектр услуг, от идеи до реализации, что позволяет нашим сотрудникам работать как с новейшими, так и с классическими технологиями.

Сегодня команда Gexateq насчитывает более 300 сотрудников в Минске и Бресте, однако для реализации всех идей и проектов мы стремимся к постоянному росту числа талантливых специалистов!

для сотрудников


Семейные бонусы


Приятные традиции

Обучение и развитие

Комфортный офис

Оплачиваемые больничные

Страхование себя и родственников

Sick days

Компенсация услуг психолога

Бесплатная вакцинация

Дополнительные выходные по важным событиям

Подарки детям

Праздники и конкурсы для семей сотрудников

Бонус и подарок по случаю создания семьи и рождения ребёнка

Бонус на День рождения

Помощь в сложных жизненных ситуациях

Тренажёрный зал в офисе

Компенсация Allsports

Марафоны, викторины и фестивали

Благотворительные акции

Проф. праздники

Корпоративные праздники (День Весны, День Земли и др.)

Тимбилдинги команд

NY Party, Summer Party

Корпоративная библиотека

Проф. хабы

Внутренняя база знаний

Английский язык

Проект «Лекции для жизни»

Компенсация обучения

Проект «Лекции для работы»

Не Open Space офис

Зона отдыха и развлечений

Возможность заказать в офис что-то для уюта

Что для нас важно

Мы любим свою страну

  • Вывучаем беларускую мову і дзелімся досведам адно з адным

  • Адзначаем Дзень роднай мовы

  • Вандруем па роднай краіне

Мы компания равных возможностей

  • Мы рады принять в нашу команду всех, кто соответствует требуемым профессиональным качествам

  • Для нас не важны следующие критерии: возраст, гендер, религиозные взгляды, место проживания, наличие инвалидности и др.

Мы заботимся о планете

  • Мы за разумное потребление и экологичное поведение по отношению друг к другу и окружающей среде

  • Собираем макулатуру, крышечки, батарейки, блистеры и пластиковые карты

  • Празднуем День Земли и организовываем ежегодные сборы мусора на природе и др.

Мы занимаемся волонтёрством

  • Помогаем людям, оказавшимся в сложной ситуации

  • Помогаем брошенным животным

Что говорят наши коллеги



После своего почти 30-летнего профессионального стажа в различных компаниях, в Gexateq я попал на абсолютно новый уровень заботы о сотрудниках. Особое внимание тут уделяется созданию комфортных рабочих условий, предоставлению широкого пакета бенефитов и поддержке в корпоративной среде. Однако, наиболее значимой для меня является возможность профессиональной реализации, участия в улучшении бизнес-процессов и ощущение признания за достигнутые результаты. В Gexateq ценят инициативу и результативность, что позволяет максимально раскрыть свой потенциал и достичь целей.
Подробнее Скрыть


QA Engineer

Работаю в компании уже пять лет. Проектом очень доволен. А мои коллеги — настоящие профессионалы, с которыми комфортно развиваться. Руководство всегда поддерживает нас и быстро реагирует на все нужды — будь то новое оборудование или приятные мелочи для офиса. Офис у нас, кстати, тоже крутой — современный и уютный, особенно радует огромная кухня. И ещё несколько плюсов, которые не могу не отметить: корпоративные курсы английского, митапы по повышению технических навыков, благотворительные акции, хороший социальный пакет, который постоянно пополняется, и действительно классные корпоративные вечеринки.
Подробнее Скрыть


FrontEnd Developer

Команда, в которой я работаю, – настоящая система поддержки, которая заставляет меня расти и развивать свои навыки каждый день. Gexateq заботится о здоровье сотрудников и сплоченности коллектива, регулярно организовывая различные спортивные мероприятия и корпоративные встречи. Не могу не сказать про образовательные мероприятия в компании, которые позволяют сотрудникам постоянно совершенствоваться. Я искренне признательна Gexateq за возможность самореализовываться и развиваться!
Подробнее Скрыть


QA Engineer

Уже более двух лет я счастлив работать в команде настоящих профессионалов. Когда рядом замечательные коллеги и отличная атмосфера, хочется постоянно совершенствоваться. Также особую признательность вызывает наличие корпоративных праздников как для сотрудников, так и для их семей. Благодарю Gexateq за возможность быть частью этого!
Подробнее Скрыть

Quality Assurance Engineer

Брест, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for a Quality Assurance Engineer to join our rapidly growing team.


  • 2+ years’ experience as a Quality Assurance Engineer.
  • Knowledge of software QA methodologies, tools and processes.
  • Ability to write understandable test documentation (test cases, test reports, defects).
  • Experience in Web-technologies (XML, CSS, HTML, HTTP).
  • Experience in work with Task Management Systems (Jira).
  • Basic knowledge of SQL.
  • Experience in work with logging systems.
  • Experience in work with software versions control systems.
  • Experience in API testing.
  • English level: B1+.

Senior QA Engineer

Brest, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for a QA Engineer to join our rapidly growing team.


  • 4+ years’ experience as a Quality Assurance Engineer.
  • Strong knowledge of software QA methodologies, tools and processes.
  • Experience in tasks/project estimation.
  • Ability to write understandable test documentation (test cases, test reports, defects).
  • Experience in Web-technologies (xml, css, html, http).
  • Experience in work with Task Management Systems (Jira).
  • Knowledge of SQL.
  • Experience in work with logging systems.
  • Experience to work with software versions control systems.
  • Strong skills in black-box and white-box test design techniques.
  • Experience in API testing.
  • English level: B1+.

Frontend developer

Brest, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for a Frontend developer to join our rapidly growing team.


  • Strong proficiency in React.js or Angular.js and its core principles, 2+ years of experience.
  • Familiarity with React Testing Library or similar testing frameworks for frontend unit and integration testing.
  • Proficiency in Redux for state management.
  • Experience with Material UI or similar UI libraries.
  • Excellent HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills.
  • Solid understanding of responsive design principles.
  • Strong problem-solving and debugging skills.
  • Good communication and collaboration skills.
  • Knowledge of Git version control.
  • Understanding of web accessibility standards and best practices.
  • English: B1 or higher.

Project Manager


Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for a Project Manager to join our rapidly growing team.


  • At least two (2) years of experience in software development as a BA and/or PM with solid team management skills.
  • Ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously.
  • Strong interpersonal and team leadership skills.
  • Excellent communication (verbal and written) skills.
  • Ability to work productively in an Agile development process.
  • Experience of requirements elicitation and documenting projects.
  • Ability to work productively and efficiently in a fast-paced and stressful environment.
  • Flexibility and adaptability to changes within industry and company.
  • English:speaking from B2.

Android Developer

Брест, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for an Android Developer to join our rapidly growing team.


  • Minimum of 4 years of experience in Android app development.
  • Experience in tasks/project estimation.
  • Proficiency in Java or Kotlin programming languages, with a deep understanding of object-oriented design principles and software development patterns.
  • Experience with Android SDK, Android Studio, and related development tools and frameworks.
  • Solid understanding of mobile UI/UX design principles and best practices, with the ability to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces.
  • Knowledge of back-end technologies and RESTful APIs for integrating mobile applications with server-side systems.
  • Excellent understanding of computer fundamentals, data structures, algorithms, architecture patterns (MVP, MVVI, etc.).
  • Strong problem-solving skills communication skills, attention to detail, and ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment.
  • English level: A2+.

Will be a plus:

  • Experience in Kotlin Multiplatform.
  • Experience in developing Kotlin server applications.

iOS developer

Brest, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for a iOS developer to join our rapidly growing team.


  • 4+ years of hands-on native iOS development (ObjectiveC / Swift).
  • Experience in tasks/project estimation.
  • Deep understanding and involvement in the full app development process, from concept to delivery.
  • Strong knowledge of SOLID and component design patterns.
  • Expertise with the iOS SDK to create scalable, dynamic, extensible, and highly performant applications.
  • Knowledge of remote APIs, concurrency, layouts, transitions, animations, client-side. Persistence, and architectural patterns on mobile apps.
  • Experience writing unit tests and testable code.
  • Experience in tasks/project estimation.
  • Understanding of code versioning tools and continuous integration.
  • Work in team following Scrum/Agile methodology.
  • Effective communication and collaboration skills.
  • English level: A2+.

Fullstack .NET developer

Brest, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for a Fullstack .NET developer to join our rapidly growing team.


  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in the .NET environment.
  • Minimum of 1 years of experience in any JS framework (React, Angular, Vue, TypeScript).
  • Fluency in C#.
  • Experience with ASP.NET.
  • Understanding and using of SOLID principles.
  • Experience writing and maintaining unit tests.
  • Track record of delivering solutions using microservices, containers, and events.
  • Thorough understanding of HTTP technologies and REST/JSON interfaces.
  • Experience with any ORMs (Entity Framework, Dapper).
  • Experience in tasks/project estimation.
  • Excellent communication and organization skills.
  • English level: А2+.

Will be a plus:

  • Experience architecting highly scalable backend systems.
  • Experience using both SQL and NoSQL databases.
  • Functional programming experience.

Lead Generation Representative Jun/Mid

Брест, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are seeking a highly motivated and results-driven Lead Generation Specialist to join our growing team. The ideal candidate will play a crucial role in identifying and nurturing potential clients, and driving business growth through strategic lead-generation initiatives.


  • 1+ years of experience in leads generation.
  • Proven experience as a Lead Generation Specialist or similar role in a B2B software development environment.
  • Familiarity with industry-specific lead generation tools and techniques.
  • Ability to cultivate and maintain relationships with potential clients.
  • Showcase a proven track record of prospecting, lead generation, and contributing to the conversion process.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.
  • Self-motivated with a proactive approach to achieving targets.
  • Able to work independently while contributing effectively to team objectives.
  • Knowledge of the software development industry.
  • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, PR, Business, or a related field.
  • English level: B2 and above.

Sales Manager / Business Development Manager

Брест, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

You will join the emerging Business Development department of a fast-growing international company and support its consistent growth. Your primary goal in this position will be bringing new clients to company and winning new contracts. In this role, you will have an opportunity to propose and implement sales strategies and tactics and swiftly advance in your career.


  • Excellent English (C1), both written and spoken.
  • 3+ years’ experience in IT sales.
  • Experience in outbound outreach, sales and networking.
  • The skill of writing clear and convincing business letters.
  • A good ‘grasp’ of sales and strong communications skills.
  • Negotiation skills.
  • Experience working with EU customers.
  • Energetic and self-motivated. Positive attitude. Get-it-done approach.
  • A commitment to excellent customer service.


Will be a plus:

  • Wide network of professional contacts.

.Net Developer

Брест, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

Our project is a platform for facilitation and management in big and huge companies. Apple, Levi’s, Nike, H&M, Columbia, Gucci, Swarovski, Walmart, Lego, Adidas, Aldi, Biedronka and 250+ more brands are using our platform.

We are looking for a .Net Developer to join our team.


  • 1.5+ years’ experience in C#, .Net or .Net Core.
  • ASP.Net MVC.
  • SQL.
  • WebAPI.
  • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery.
  • English level: B1.

Nice to have:

  • ADO,Net, T-SQL, EF, LINQ to SQL.
  • MS SQL Server.
  • Azure, Cosmos, Azure table storage.
  • MS IIS, Web app service.
  • JavaScript Framework (React, Knockout).
  • Teamcity, Octopus.
  • Redis, Elastic.

QA Engineer (Middle)

Брест, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for a QA Engineer to join our rapidly growing team.


  • Experience: 2+ years.
  • Understanding of software development methodologies.
  • Ability to write understandable test documentation (test cases, test reports, defects).
  • Experience in Web-technologies (xml, css, html, http).
  • Experience in work with Task Management Systems (Jira).
  • Knowledge of SQL (the ability to use Select ‘s and simple Join’ s).
  • Experience in work with logging systems.
  • Experience in work with software versions control systems.
  • Strong skills in black-box and white-box test design techniques.
  • Experience in API testing.
  • English level — Intermediate B1.

QA Engineer

Брест, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for a QA Engineer to join our team.


  • 2+ years of experience in testing.
  • 2+ years of experience in functional testing of banking software.
  • Experience of working with ABS from the company Center for Financial Technologies (CFT).

  • Understanding of software development methodologies;
  • Experience in developing test plans;
  • Ability to create and edit test suite, test cases;
  • Understanding of test reporting principles;
  • Experience in functional testing of banking software;
  • Experience with relational DBMS (e.g. Oracle) will be a plus;
  • English B1: ability to read documentation;

Oracle DBA


Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for an Oracle DBA! Join our team!


  • 3+ years of experience in Oracle 9-19 as DBA.
  • Knowledge of DBMS Oracle architecture.
  • Experience with UNIX-systems(Solaris, Linux), Oracle RMAN, DataGuard, RAC claster of Oracle.
  • Experience with Oracle Golden Gate platform and other instruments of CDC.
  • Experience with database maintenance and working with Oracle database platform.
  • Experience in database migrations.
  • Fine-tuning the Oracle database platform.
  • English level: B1.

Tririga Engineer

Брест, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for a Tririga Engineer to join our team.


  • Knowledge of SQL basics.
  • Interest in working with the IBM Tririga/IBM Maximo information system.
  • Experience with reporting for enterprise-level systems (ERP, EAM) according to business requirements is desirable.
  • Experience in describing functionality and developing specifications.
  • Interaction with customers regarding issues related to system implementation.
  • Willingness to learn new technologies.


Брест, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for an experienced IT Recruiter to join our dynamic recruiting team. You will be helping us recruit the best talent to meet our company’s staffing needs.


  • 3 years’ experience in the IT recruitment industry preferably in the outsourcing industry.
  • Experience in successfully sourcing and hiring top talent for various positions.
  • Strong understanding of recruitment best practices.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • English B1+ and above.
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment.
  • Proficiency in applicant tracking systems (ATS) and other recruitment tools and technologies.


  • Managing the full recruitment cycle from initial introduction to the candidate through to offer negotiation and induction.
  • Sourcing candidates through various channels including job boards, social media, professional networks and references.
  • Screening CVs, interviewing and assessing the qualifications, skills and cultural fit of candidates for open positions.
  • Liaising with hiring managers to understand staffing needs and develop strategies to attract qualified candidates.
  • Collaborate with colleagues in related departments to ensure new hires are integrated into the company.
  • Keep abreast of industry trends, best practices and innovative recruitment techniques to enhance our recruitment efforts.
  • Conduct research and analytics on recruitment within the company and in the marketplace.

Python Developer

Брест, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for a Python developer for a project of a large retailer company.


  • 4 years of experience as a developer.
  • 2 years development of systems that have entered commercial operation.
  • 1 year highload or bigdata.
  • Solid theoretical knowledge of at least one area: relational databases (SQL queries, data schema design), data analysis (machine learning algorithms, software and libraries for data analysis), algorithms (algorithms and data structures, algorithm complexity assessment).
  • Experience writing applications using the Django / DRF framework.
  • Experience using one of the asynchronous frameworks based on asyncio.
  • Confident knowledge and understanding of the principles of pure SQL queries, experience in query optimization.
  • Skills in designing an optimal database data model for implementing application business logic.
  • Experience using one of the ORMs: Django ORM, SQLAlchemy. Skills in optimizing queries when using them.

Python Developer (Middle)


Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for a Python developer Middle to join our rapidly growing team.


  • 2+ years of experience in Python (3 or 3.5+ version) asynchronous programming.
  • Experience with Postgres, NoSQL DB.
  • English level: B1.


Will be a plus:

  • Golang experience.
  • AioHttp, Django, FastApi, SQLAlchemy, RabbitMQ, Celery,  Redis/Memcached, Docker, Linux shell scripting, Basic Linux Administration.

QA Engineer (Jun+/Middle)


Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for a QA Engineer to join our team.

Working hours: 12:00-21:00 (MSK)


  • 2+ years of experience.

  • Deep understanding of testing methodologies and software development processes.

  • Skills in writing test cases and check-lists.

  • Skills in verification of functionality to match written requirements.

  • English level: speaking and writing B2.

Android Developer Middle/Middle+

Брест, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

As an Android Developer, you will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining high-quality Android applications. You will work closely with our product management and design teams to translate requirements into scalable, user-friendly mobile experiences. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in Android development, with expertise in Java or Kotlin and a passion for creating polished, responsive mobile applications.


  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features for our Android applications.

  • Develop clean, efficient, and maintainable code in Java or Kotlin, following best practices and coding standards.

  • Implement user interfaces that are intuitive, responsive, and visually appealing, in collaboration with our UI/UX designers.

  • Integrate with back-end services and APIs to ensure seamless data exchange and functionality.

  • Perform code reviews, testing, debugging, and optimization to ensure the reliability and performance of our Android applications.

  • Stay current on emerging technologies, trends, and best practices in Android development, and share knowledge with the team.

  • Contribute to continuous improvement initiatives, such as process optimization and tooling enhancements, to streamline development workflows.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.

  • Minimum of 4 years of experience in Android app development, with a strong portfolio of published applications on the Google Play Store.

  • Proficiency in Java or Kotlin programming languages, with a deep understanding of object-oriented design principles and software development patterns.

  • Experience with Android SDK, Android Studio, and related development tools and frameworks.

  • Solid understanding of mobile UI/UX design principles and best practices, with the ability to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces.

  • Knowledge of back-end technologies and RESTful APIs for integrating mobile applications with server-side systems.

  • Strong problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment.

  • Excellent communication skills and ability to effectively communicate technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders.


Project Manager

Брест, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for a Project Manager to join our rapidly growing team.


  • 3-5 years of experience in project management, preferably in the relevant domain area(s).
  • The ability to develop and manage project schedules, budgets, risk assessments, and risk management plans. Experience using project management tools such as Jira, Confluence, etc.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication.
  • The ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams and manage relationships with external partners.
  • Be able to identify and manage project issues and risks, and be able to find solutions to complex problems that may arise during the course of the project.
  • English level: B2.

Will be a plus:

  • Technical background.

C/C++ (Python) Developer

Брест, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for programmers to develop a high-traffic scalable transactional system. The main project tasks include developing the core of the system, integrating with payment gateways and banking systems, ensuring data security, optimizing performance, and creating an administrative interface.


  • At least 3 years of C/C++ experience.
  • Knowledge of Python would be a huge advantage.
  • Experience with databases (Oracle or MySQL or PostgreSQL).
  • Knowledge of security standards (PCI DSS) is welcome.
  • At least 1 years of experience in developing systems in the financial sector.
  • Good analytical skills.
  • Ability to work in a team and independently.
  • Desire to learn and develop in the field of financial technologies.
  • English: B1.

Implementation Specialist

Брест, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for an Implementation Specialist to join our rapidly growing team.


  • 2+ years of experience.
  • Knowledge and experience working with SmartVista or OpenWay systems.
  • Knowledge and experience with Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL.

  • Experience with OS: Linux, Windows Server.

  • Experience with Java (at the code reading level). Knowledge of scripting languages ​​(e.g. Bash, PowerShell) to automate and manage processes.

  • Ability to work with network protocols, installation and configuration of network components.

  • Business knowledge: ISO 8583, 3D Secure.

  • B1 spoken and written English level.

Will be a plus:

  • Experience in banking or finance.

iOS Developer (Middle/Middle+)

Брест, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.


  • 3+ years of commercial experience in iOS development.
  • Experience with Swift/Objective-C and CoreData.
  • Knowledge of storage techniques, multithreading, performance tuning, and RESTful APIs for connecting with backend web services.
  • Deep understanding of iOS view presenting best practices.
  • Excellent understanding of computer fundamentals, data structures, algorithms, SOLID and component design patterns.
  • Involvement in the full app development process.
  • Familiarity with Apple design guidelines and Human Interface guidelines.
  • Experience writing unit tests and testable code.
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills.
  • English B1 or above.


Will be a plus:

  • B.S. or advanced degree in Computer Science.
  • At least 1 app live in the iOS app store.
  • Excellent problem-solving capabilities.
  • Ability to translate designs and wireframes into high-quality code.
  • Experience with video recording, playback, video upload.
  • Experience with location services and Bluetooth.
  • Proficient understanding of code versioning tools and continuous integration.

System/Integration Analyst


Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for a System/Integration analyst for fintech projects to join our team.


  • 2+ years of experience in Software Development.
  • Experience in writing documentation for integration tasks.
  • Skills for documenting and describing technical services and methods, entities.
  • Knowledge of the architecture of Fintech systems (banks, payment gateways, payment systems, etc.).
  • Experience in Fintech projects or experience in integrating several complex systems.
  • Knowledge of API documentation (RESTFULL, SOAP, json).
  • Basic knowledge of Python.
  • Ability to solve problems independently.
  • High sociability.
  • English speaking B1+ or above.

System Analyst

Брест, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for a system analyst for fintech projects.


  • 4+ years of experience as  System analyst.
  • Experience in the financial industry (banks, investment companies, brokerage services).
  • Experience in designing architectural solutions.
  • Experience in designing OT System.
  • Experience in modeling business processes (BPMN, UML, EPC, IDEF0 notation).
  • Technical background, understanding of development principles and processes.
  • Experience in designing information systems, developing and coordinating project documentation.
  • Readiness to understand the product at the level of business requirements.
  • Ability to formulate functional, non-functional, and business requirements.
  • Database skills (SQL).
  • Experience working as an analyst in projects or products for creating user solutions.
  • Project management skills.
  • Experience working with web applications.
  • Experience working in projects using agile methodologies (SCRUM).
  • Proficiency in a programming language (e.g. C++, C#) is a plus.

Python Developer

Брест, Минск

Gexateq is a software development company with solid expertise and experience in custom software development, mobile development, design, R&D, tech advisory, offering a well-balanced blend of technology skills, domain knowledge, hands-on experience, effective methodology, and passion for innovations. Gexateq delivers a full spectrum of IT services to companies across different business areas and industries, including Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Logistics and Transportation.

We are looking for a Python Developer (Middle+)  to join our team!

Your work will have a direct influence on the future of logistics and IT. We value teamwork and learning, our working language is English. Your colleagues are experts who shape the IT industry in Estonia and worldwide.


  • 4+ years of experience with Python.
  • Strong knowledge of PostgreSQL and NoSQL DB: MongoDB, CouchDB, CosmosDB (any of them).
  • Any knowledge of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Apache Spark, Elasticsearch would be useful.
  • Thirst, willingness, and ability to quickly learn new skills and technologies.
  •  Strong customer service orientation as this is the center of everything we do.
  • Team player who cares about delivering the best that they can.
  • Excellent listening, interpersonal and communication skills in both technical and user-friendly language.
  • Highly self-motivated, directed, detail-oriented, and result-driven personality.
  • English level B1+.



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В течение недели рекрутер вернется к вам с результатом собеседования.

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«Удаленка» или офис? Какой в Gexateq формат работы?

Мы придерживаемся гибридного формата работы и приветствуем 2-3-разовое посещение офиса в неделю для “живой” работы и общения.

*Актуально для сотрудников, проживающих в Минске и Бресте (города присутствия офисов Gexateq). В остальных случаях возможна 100%-ая удаленная работа.

Работу над какими проектами Gexateq может предложить?

Чаще всего, мы ищем специалистов для работы в компании, а не на определенный проект. Проект может определиться на интервью, исходя из наших возможностей и Ваших пожеланий. Также при завершении работы над одним проектом, Вам будет предложен новый. О проектах, которые реализованы компанией Gexateq можно почитать в разделе «Проекты».

Сколько этапов интервью необходимо пройти для получения оффера?

2-3 этапа.

Какой средний размер команды проекта?

От 5-и до 10-и человек.

Какой основной язык коммуникации в компании?

В компании мы общаемся на русском и белорусском языках. Однако 90% наших проектов ориентированы на зарубежный рынок, поэтому знание английского языка обязательно.